BREIZH AMERIKA is a non-profit organization established to create, facilitate, promote, and sponsor wide-ranging innovative and collaborative cultural and economic projects that strengthen and foster relations and cooperation between the United States of America and the region of Brittany, France.
Through the development and sponsorship of ambitious artistic projects we hope to increase awareness of Breton culture, language and film to American audiences. We are guided by a passion to develop unique exchanges and collaborations between Breton and American musicians and artists, while inciting economic actors to expand opportunities and build durable Transatlantic links through our projects.
Through the development and sponsorship of ambitious artistic projects we hope to increase awareness of Breton culture, language and film to American audiences. We are guided by a passion to develop unique exchanges and collaborations between Breton and American musicians and artists, while inciting economic actors to expand opportunities and build durable Transatlantic links through our projects.
BREIZH AMERIKA a zo ur gevredigezh anezhi, savet a-benn krouiñ, aesaat, brudañ ha skoazellañ mennozhioù-sevenadur hag ekonomiezh a zo é klask nevesaat ha kenlabourat war meur a zachenn, ar mennozhioù-se éc’h ober evit an darempredoù etre Stadoù-Unaned Amerika ha Breizh, ha kreñvaat anezhe. Dre ziorren ha paeroniañ mennadoù arzhel gant imor hon eus spi da sachañ an Amerikaned muioc’h-mui war-zu sevenadur, yezh ha fiñvskeudennerezh Breizh. Lusket omp gant ar youl da ziorren ar c’henlabour hag an darempred dibar etre muzisianed hag arzhourien Breizh ha re Amerika, en ur vrochañ an oberourien-armezh da gaout muioc’h a bleg ha da sevel ereoù padus a bep tu d’ar mor Atlantel. Brezhoneg - Breton |
BREIZH AMERIKA est une association à but non lucratif ayant pour but de creer, faciliter, promouvoir, et sponsoriser un large panel de projets culturels et economiques, innovants et collaboratifs, qui ont pour but de renforcer et d'encourager les relations et la cooperation entre les USA et la Bretagne. A travers le développement et le parrainage de projets artistiques ambitieux, nous espérons accroitre la sensibilisation de l'audience américaine à la culture bretonne, à la langue, et films bretons. Nous sommes guidés par la passion de développer des échanges et collaborations uniques entre les musiciens et les artistes bretons et américains, et à la fois d'inciter les acteurs économiques à élargir leurs opportunités et à construire des liens transatlantiques durables à travers nos projets. Français - French |